Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Guardian needs to stop illegally tracking fatal police shootings.

Reporting and Statistics about Police misconduct, shootings, and use of SWAT should illegal to be collected or published as they may inflame anti police sentiment jeopardizing Officer safely. violating the Officers’ privacy and renders police vulnerable to unfounded scrutiny".
The Guardian did something that embarrassed the FBI in 2015. It kept track of how many people were killed by police.
The FBI director, James Comey, said in October it was “embarrassing and ridiculous” that the government did not hold comprehensive statistics, and that it was “unacceptable” the Guardian and the Washington Post, which began publishing a database of fatal police shootings on 1 July, held better records.

And the Guardian needs to stop publishing false stories about Homan Square that are not credible and have been completely debunked.

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