Sunday, January 31, 2016

More Hero Cops should sue first to prevent the "ghetto lottery" and put civilians in their place.

RIP Hero Cop Detective David E. Abbott Jr.
Hope your estate sues the department and the prosecutors for the witchhunt that cost him his life.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cleveland police union president vows to get fired Hero officers' who followed the 1st Rule of Policing jobs back

Cleveland police union president vows to get fired officers' jobs back

10) Police officer should be exempt from all making false statements laws
14) “Brady cops” do not exist. Perjury in previous cases should not be a factor in judging a officer’s truthfulness and violates their privacy.
*My general rule of thumb is that officers who have shaved heads are dicks.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Respecting the 1st Rule of Policing. LAPD supports Hero Cops.
LAPD [Hero] officers Jess Faber, Marlon Franco, Sergio Gramajo, John Hart, Geoff Lear, Deshon Parker, Jonathan Roman, and Sgt. John Valdez were "afraid and incompetent".

Saturday, January 23, 2016

“Private citizens don’t get paid to use deadly force; law enforcement officers do.”

Free Hero Bloomfield police officers Orlando Trinidad and Sean Courter who were subject to Witchhunt for misremembering minor details of a arrest under oath. They were falsely convicted on the charges of "official misconduct, conspiracy to commit official misconduct, tampering with public records, falsifying public records and false swearing" that should be repealed and overturned as Unconstitutional as only police are subject to those laws.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

NYPD Police Union President: ‘Law Enforcement Nationwide Has Been Demoralized’

Ed Mullins, NYPD union boss, is the worst person in New York

Friday, January 8, 2016

The finest on the thin blue line between order and chaos.

There is no Thin Blue Wall and Code of Silence.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Guardian needs to stop illegally tracking fatal police shootings.

Reporting and Statistics about Police misconduct, shootings, and use of SWAT should illegal to be collected or published as they may inflame anti police sentiment jeopardizing Officer safely. violating the Officers’ privacy and renders police vulnerable to unfounded scrutiny".
The Guardian did something that embarrassed the FBI in 2015. It kept track of how many people were killed by police.
The FBI director, James Comey, said in October it was “embarrassing and ridiculous” that the government did not hold comprehensive statistics, and that it was “unacceptable” the Guardian and the Washington Post, which began publishing a database of fatal police shootings on 1 July, held better records.

And the Guardian needs to stop publishing false stories about Homan Square that are not credible and have been completely debunked.