1st Rule of Policing: Police have the right and the duty to go home at the end of each watch. It does not matter how many non-law enforcement personnel are injured or killed or have their “rights” violated to achieve this goal as Police are entitled to impunity for their violence and protection from harm above all others.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
“Blue lives matter because all lives matter … we must honor those in authority.”
Cop Haters celebrate defeat of pro-Police AG Angela Corey.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Pushback against DOJ Baltimore witchhunt report
Martin O’Malley pushing back on the DOJ’s condemnation of Baltimore policing
The DOJ’s Baltimore Police Report Contributes to a Hostile Environment for Law Enforcement
Coming Soon
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Hero Cops of the Week
Kinsey Heals, PBA Makes Excuses, Soto Still Autistic
P.O. Jonathan Aledda: A Cop’s Truth
Miami Police Story Is Probably False, Terrifying If True
Chicago Prosecutors Disclose Lying Cops: What happens Next Will Shock You!
Jailing of Rape Victim Could Spur Criminal-Justice Reform in Texas
Friday, July 22, 2016
Miami-Dade PBA head John Rivera calls out the media for questioning Hero Cops.
“Be responsible in your reporting,We’re asking the community to please allow facts — not sensationalism, not politics — facts to allow to work their way through the system.”
Monday, July 18, 2016
I’m a cop. If you don’t want to get hurt, don’t challenge me. Give me the appropriate degree of subservience, Obey all commands with unquestioning obedience.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Police killed were heroes and we need to restrict peoples constitutional rights (1st,2nd,4th 5th,6th) further to protect cops like them and honor their sacrifice
Statement of NYC PBA President Patrick J. Lynch on Assassinations in Dallas |
...much of the anger directed at police officers over the past few years has been fueled by erroneous information and inflammatory rhetoric put forward by groups and individuals whose agenda has nothing to do with justice. Our elected leaders fail us when they prejudge incidents without having all the facts and disparage all law enforcement. As we go forward, we need to take an honest, hard look at everything that wrongfully inflames emotions against police officers if we are going to be able to bring police officers and the community together.”
Saturday, July 9, 2016
California Officer David Rodriguez is the victim of yet another malicious Section 1983 lawsuit by a professional victim
It’s sad enough Officer Rodriguez faces a civil suit for the performance of his duties, simply because a rogue citizen decided to film an encounter allegedly dedicated to “traffic scofflaws.” That he must face a Federal Judge for keeping his weapon ready to fire in an high crime neighborhood like Rohnert Park just adds to the insanity. If Don McComas wants to do the right thing, it’s time to apologize to Officer Rodriguez for triggering him on the job, publicly kowtow to the Rohnert Park Police, and turn himself in for exercising his First Amendment rights.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Don't "strip some people of the law’s protection based on their employment” “This is a dangerous and un-American line of thought.”
Harvey Silverglate, an attorney who specializes in civil liberties, said he thinks — and hopes — the suit is successful. He thinks there should be a public policy exception under the First Amendment to the state’s wiretap law.
“I understand why the police don’t like it for precisely the reason I do like it,” he said. “It advances truth. It redresses the imbalance in the credibility of the ordinary citizen versus the police officer, especially in the court of law.”
Monday, June 20, 2016
STFU citzens and do not question Law Enforcement.
"The brave men and women of the Orlando Police Department, the Orange County Sheriff Office, the FBI and others should not be second guessed, they performed valiantly during those early hours, Lives were saved because of their heroic work."
Monday, June 13, 2016
FBI Director James Comey shows and praises the true Heroes of the Attack on a Orlando Nightclub
I would like to say an word of thanks and express admiration for the work of local Law Enforcement in Orlando.Update from the Cop Haters and their Monday Morning Quarterbacking.
They showed professionalism and extraordinary bravery that saved lives.
We are very lucky that such good people choose lives of service in Law Enforcement.
As it is right now, police are already having a hard time explaining why it took them three hours to enter the club after Omar Mateen first exchanged gunfire with an off-duty Orlando police officer who had been working security at the Pulse nightclub that night.
The answer to that is probably “officer safety,” the notion that cops must do all they can to ensure their safety, even if it means putting the safety of citizens at risk.
But now the question is, did they shoot and kill innocent people as they gunned down Mateen?
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Tom Cotton Says U.S. Facing an 'Under Incarceration' Problem, Slams Criminal Justice Reform as 'Criminal Leniency'
"Law and order in our communities doesn’t arise spontaneously; men are not angels, after all. Police officers put the badge on every morning, not knowing for sure if they’ll come home at night to take it off. Dedicated prosecutors toil long hours in our courts. Corrections officers and other professionals do the thankless work of administering punishment and, hopefully, providing a path for redemption. And neighborhood-watch groups and civic organizations take it upon themselves to raise standards of conduct in their communities."
This anti-cop sentiment is surely driving the so-called “Ferguson Effect,” as FBI Director Jim Comey has called it. When professional protestors stigmatize the police as racist knuckle-draggers, when their vigorous enforcement of the law is constantly and unfairly criticized and undermined, a chilling effect on policing is nearly unavoidable.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Importance of open communication, never saying “No Comment”
- Part of a ongoing Investigation.
- We must keep any evidence shielded from the public to preserve the “integrity” of the “investigation”
- Pending Litigation.
- Cannot discuss personnel matters.
- Cannot violate Officer Privacy.
- Story is "one sided political story” and a witch-hunt
- This is "rush to judgment by people who have no first-hand information about what transpired."
- We have to wait until all the facts are in.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Legitimate journalism versus yellow journalism
- By Brain Childress Valdosta Chief of Police
The Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics (spj.org/ethicscode.asp) list several standards which should be exhibited by news organizations to include those who proclaim themselves as journalists. One of those standards is:
• Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
Journalists should take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.
Several years ago I took a Law Enforcement Media Relations Course from Jim Vance of the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. I consider Jim to be an expert on police and media relations and he has shaped the policies of the Valdosta Police Department and my approach to dealing with media and the community. Jim instilled in all of the law enforcement executives attending his classes the importance of integrity, ethics and transparency with the media and the public. He also showed us the importance of open communication, never saying “No Comment” and considering all facts before making statements to the media and public. Most important, Jim also taught us that when you are wrong, you say you are wrong, which builds a sense of trust with the media and community.
But this takes me back to what is real journalism versus “Yellow Journalism.” Journalism to include the profession’s code of ethics is fair and more importantly, accurate information. Yellow Journalism or the yellow press is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers, air time, etc. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering or sensationalism.
Recently two separate online videos have surfaced involving the Valdosta Police Department and in both cases, they presented the department in an unfavorable light. To be clear, the department never denied in both cases that some of the facts were accurate. But in both cases, many Internet “journalists” posted their own comments, racy headlines and led many to assume they were reporting all the facts. Then after posting these videos without following any journalistic standards, they contact my department for an official comment after my staff and I received many hate emails suggesting because of two “half” stories, somehow our department is corrupt. In a phone conversation I had with one of these so-called online journalists, I asked him if he was truly a journalist, why didn’t he call me and ask for all facts before writing what he considered a factual story. My response to him was direct but fair: “I don’t deal with media outlets who fail to follow the ethical standards which my employees and I must abide to and acknowledge each year in our department training and accreditation standards.”
But what is becoming even more concerning is that many national media outlets are following suit with the same half-truths to sell air time and newspapers. Then only after increasing their sales do they take the time to get the other side of the story which may or may not make it to their website or papers. Thus enters another Journalistic Standard:
· Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.
To the credit of local news organizations in our area such as The Valdosta Daily Times, Valdosta Today, WALB, WCTV, and WTXL, they in my opinion have exhibited what I consider journalistic integrity. Before running any story, they ask for our side to get all facts. All law enforcement in this country asks is for a fair shake like we are expected to provide on an hourly, daily, monthly and annual basis to our citizens. If we do something wrong, we must admit it and reporting it is news worthy and fair. But the officers, deputies, troopers and agents in our communities, protecting us on a daily basis, must receive the same fairness as our citizens. This is something we all should understand when reading information on Facebook, YouTube, etc. Imagine going to trial and not being allowed to defend your position — Is that fair?
Brian Childress
Valdosta Police Department
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
“Exposing officers and employees to liability for harms committed while at work would expose officers and employees to often ruinous liability simply for doing their jobs,”
“Exposing officers and employees to liability for harms committed while at work would expose officers and employees to often ruinous liability simply for doing their jobs,”
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Modern Policing an absolute unwillingness to allow anything but complete, unquestioning obedience.
In dealing with the Police, you are expected to respond with the appropriate degree of subservience
Police have the right to complete, unquestioning obedience.
Insufficiently Servile
I got a taste of what modern policing has become today—which is to say, an absolute unwillingness to allow anything but complete, unquestioning obedience. Officer Friendly has long since retired, apparently.
For the past fifteen years, I have worked every day on the same very small military installation as a contractor. This morning, as I was approaching the main gate, when I started off after the stoplight, I didn’t shift upshift. So, the Goat was just wailing that sweet V8 growl as I approached the gate. About fifty yards from the gate, I slowed down, rolled down my window, and had my ID outside the car as I approached. Usually, there are civilian DoD police at the gate, but this morning, it was manned by a reservist, a 2nd Class Master at Arms—the Navy’s equivalent to Military Police. We had a brief conversation that went, as nearly as I can remember it like this:
PO2: (Snippy) Are you running late this morning?
Me: No.
(At this point, I could instantly see that my answer displeased him.)
PO2: (Scowling) You need to keep your speed down.
Me: I always observe the speed limits when I’m on the installation.
PO2: (Waving me through) You need to keep your speed down off-base, too.
Me: (Starting to drive away) What happens off-base isn’t your jurisdiction.
I got to my office, turned on my computer, and went into the break area to warm up a couple of delicious whole-wheat Eggos. While I was standing in the kitchen, a uniformed DoD police officer walked in and asked me if I owned the Red GTO. When I said I did, he then asked for my driver’s license. I asked, since I wasn’t operating a motor vehicle, if I was required to show it to him. (In CA, you are not required to do so when not operating a vehicle, nor are you required to show an ID otherwise. It’s different on military bases, of course, in that you are required to show an ID).
When I gave it to him, he then began to tell me how bad my attitude was, and how I should be more respectful of the police, what with them having such a hard job and all. I said that, when it came to respect, maybe the gate guard should’ve been a little less snippy. He said they didn’t need me making smart remarks about their jurisdiction, because they have a close relationship with civilian law enforcement, and he himself, had worked for Atlanta PD for fifteen years. I denied driving at an excessive speed when I approached the gate, said that my comment about jurisdiction was completely valid and that did not have the authority to issue traffic citations off-base, and that if they felt they needed to call CHP to give me a citation, they should do so. Otherwise, he should present me with a citation or arrest me for a military-related offense. Failing that, I was uninterested in further conversation. He seemed a bit upset when he left.
About twenty minutes later, two more DoD policemen came into my office. One of them was the major who serves as the installation’s police chief. They asked to talk to me outside. I told them that, since it appeared that I was the target of some sort of investigation I would refuse to answer any questions without consulting legal council. They asked me to step outside the building and I complied. The major then asked me where I was getting my legal knowledge from, and I replied that I had been an active-duty military policeman for 10 years. They asked for my license, registration and insurance card, and workcenter supervisors. While one officer began to write down my information, the major then told me that as a military policeman I should have a better attitude and be more cooperative. He then presented a hypothetical situation about approaching the gate at a high rate of speed. I said, "Hypothetically, I would categorically deny any such allegations". He began to ask me more questions, and I stopped him, saying:
Me: Don’t I have the right to remain silent?
Major: Well, if you are a former MP you should know that Miranda only applies to custodial interviews, not voluntary ones."
Me: So, is this a voluntary interview?
Major: Yes.
Me: So, I’m free to go?
(The major hesitated at this point, probably because both he and I knew what the only correct answer was.)
Major: Yes, you’re free to go.
Me: Then, I think we’re done here.
I retrieved my documentation from the other officer, put it my car, and walked back into the building.
Another twenty minutes passed when two different officers showed up at my office and asked me to come outside. When I did, they presented me with a base traffic ticket for not having my car registered on base. Quite honestly, I didn’t know I was required to, since the Navy no longer issues vehicle decals. We were told that registration was no longer necessary, but apparently the registration regulation is still on the books. The ticket had already been written before the officers approached me. One of them—the officer who had been sent over to speak with me the first time—said, "By direction of the base police chief, I am issuing you a citation for failure to register your vehicle within ten days. You can call the base traffic office if you have any questions." I said, "Wait a second, I haven’t even had my plates for ten days. I just bought the car." He said, "Your registration is dated more than 10 days ago. That’s the date we go by." Then they left.
So, I went to Pass & ID register my car—as well as my motorcycle, which has never been registered either—and they tore up my ticket. Then when I got back to my office, I called to the regional headquarters, and spoke directly with the GS-15 who runs all the local Navy police operations. I explained that I had a brief, snippy conversation with the gate guard, and since then, had been pulled out of my workcenter three separate times by five DoD police officers, and that I felt it was a little excessive, especially considering the chief of police himself had been one of the officers. He said he would take care of it, which, I hope, means he will tell the local police to turn it down from 11.
So, that was my contact with the DoD police today. At every confrontation, they clearly expected me to respond with the appropriate degree of subservience, and were baffled and angered that I refused to do so. So, they couldn’t let it go. They just kept coming back to my office, as if repeated confrontations would make me more, rather than less, servile. And all this for something that wasn’t any sort of criminal offense.
It says a lot—none of it good—that the police seem to have the expectation of unquestioning obedience. It also says a lot that they seem used to getting it, which is our fault, not theirs.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Video-taping police encounters usually results in a rush to judgment by people who have no first-hand information about what transpired.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
The Tribune-Review misleads and embarrasses Itself with a anti-law enforcement series of hit pieces.
Prosecute the Trib reporters editors and management.
It is illegal to be collect or publish Reporting and Statistics about Police misconduct, shootings, and use of SWAT as they may inflame anti police sentiment jeopardizing Officer safely. violating the Officers’ privacy, renders police vulnerable to unfounded scrutiny and impacts the integrity of ongoing investigations and the eventual prosecutorial review processes that will be pending at the conclusion of the investigations.
Friday, March 11, 2016
"sleazy" criminal defense attorney baits [Hero Cop] Dillon Alley to drum up a payday.
Tom Dominguez, president of the Assn. of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, said in a statement there was "the very real possibility that this is an effort by a criminal defense attorney to drum up a payday."
“There were many independent bystanders in the hallway who witnessed exactly what happened in the courthouse,” [The Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriff] union President Tom Dominguez said that afternoon. “Criminal defense attorney James Crawford’s one-sided version is simply not true. A careful investigation will reveal the true facts.”Cop Haters do not want to allow a "complete investigation and all of the facts"
… the union was “deeply disturbed by the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice’s willingness to blindly support an inaccurate account without all of the facts.”
That’s code for,
We’re going to take some time to see what kind of cockamamie excuse we can cook up that bootlickers will accept well enough for us to tell the rest of you to fuck off, and possibly allow for Mr. Crawford to be arrested, and charged, for putting a DA investigator in fear of his life. Or something.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
[Hero Cops] are unhappy, they are concerned, they are upset, One of their brother [Hero] officers has been arrested and they have no answers"
“(Cops) are unhappy, they are concerned, they are upset,” the mayor said. “One of their brother officers has been arrested and they have no answers. They are accustomed to gathering the answers and solving these sorts of questions, and so they're in a very difficult position of not knowing."
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Stop the anticop witchhunt Hickton, Zappala, McLay and Peduto! Justice for [Hero Cop] Sergeant Stephen Matakovich
The FOP believes strongly that when all the facts and circumstances are fully explained, Sgt. Matakovich's actions will be found reasonable based upon the totality of the circumstances known to him at the time he used force in the course of an arrest," police union President Robert Swartzwelder
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Second City [Hero] Cop points out that releasing police shooting videos within 60 days of the incident is bad.
This is a purely political move, based solely on appeasing certain elements who favor a rush to judgement, no matter what it means in regard to actually putting together a case that will stand up in court and withstand repeated appeals.Do not listen to the "rush-to-judgement" haters and baiters over the thin blue line.
Remember what happened in Ferguson [This is a valid example even if there was no Dash Cam video] - every single witness interviewed, sometimes multiple times, every single bit of video, methodically dismantled, analyzed and broken down by frame, a full blown investigation by not one, not two, but three different law enforcement organizations. And the end result? The officer was completely exonerated of every allegation made against him, but he still will never find work in his chosen profession.
That takes too long for the race-baiters and the "rush-to-judgement" crowd. They don't want an actual investigation that will take months and months and might actually prove the police acted within the scope of the law. They want a lynching, plain and simple.
the notion that police must keep evidence shielded from the public to preserve the “integrity” of the “investigation” is bullshit.
That same “integrity” never seems to bar the public release of all the sordid criminal acts committed by [insert name of non-cop here]. Police departments and prosecutor’s offices all over the country employ press liaisons to let the public know not to worry, they got the bad guy. There is never any issue with dumping buckets of poison into the jury pool when the person in the cross-hairs is a lowly civilian. It is remarkable to watch those same liaisons do a full 180 when someone within the law enforcement family is (or might be) the bad guy. How rapidly they switch into defense mode, ensuring that their guy gets an obscenely “fair” shake that is never extended to the rest of us.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
The Right should stand 100% behind [Hero] law enforcement.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Support the Federal Law Enforcement Bill of Rights.
- 1st Rule of Policing: Police have the right and the duty to go home at the end of each watch. It does not matter how many non-law enforcement personnel are injured or killed or have their “rights” violated to achieve this goal as Police are entitled to impunity for their violence and protection from harm above all others.
- Sealing of all law enforcement records from the public unless the release has the approval of all police officers involved. Unauthorized release of law enforcement records would impact the integrity of ongoing investigations and the eventual prosecutorial review processes that will be pending at the conclusion of the investigations.
- Police are entitled to absolute privacy when performing their duties. Police should only be required to identify themselves only in the arrest warrant or report if used in court.
- Police officers can seize and delete any video and/or audio of wiretapping/eavesdropping Police Officers in public as it violates their privacy, distracts from their duties and jeopardizes Officer safety. This right to privacy is absolute when Police are engaged in Routine Non-Enforcement Activity. The act of recording police starts from the belief that every officer is doing something wrong and that's insulting to all police officers. An Automatic search warrant and SWAT raid is authorized for anyone in possession of video and/or audio of wiretapping/eavesdropping Police Officers in public.
- Police officer statements override any video or audio evidence as the officers' reasonable erceptions are more accurate. Video or audio footage does not capture the physical struggle from the officers' perspective, nor does it capture the officers' reasonable, split-second decision-making and thought processes in tense circumstances. This is the case especially when the video or audio is gathered by illegally wiretapping/eavesdropping Police Officers in public.
- Citizens must provide ID and must allow themselves to be searched by Law Enforcement when so ordered by Police.
- Repeal Anti Police excessive force, false arrest and civil rights violations laws such as 42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights that jeopardize Officer safety. Laws for Qualified immunity should be straightened.
- Reporting and Statistics about Police misconduct, shootings, and use of SWAT should be illegal to be collected or published as they may inflame anti police sentiment jeopardizing Officer safety. violating the Officers’ privacy, renders police vulnerable to unfounded scrutiny and impacts the integrity of ongoing investigations and the eventual prosecutorial review processes that will be pending at the conclusion of the investigations.
- Any videos from Police equipment should only be used in court and/or be released to the public with the approval of all police officers being filmed to protect their privacy. Police Dash Cam, Police and Jail surveillance video videos should only be used to protect Police, not as an internal affairs “gotcha-headhunter” tool. Unauthorized release of the video and audio would impact the integrity of ongoing investigations and the eventual prosecutorial review processes that will be pending at the conclusion of the investigations.
- Police officers should be exempt from all making false statements laws
- People who have no idea about the job of Law Enforcement should not be deciding the outcome in civil and criminal cases which involve the reasonable officer standard. Police officers should only be tried by a special court composed only of Law Enforcement officers.
- “Brady cops” do not exist. Perjury in previous cases should not be a factor in judging a officer’s truthfulness and violates their privacy
- It is illegal to make a false accusation against a Police officer.
- Police officers accused of misconduct should be notified of all incriminating evidence or witness statements, be able to review it without an investigator looking into their actions during that process and remain silent for a 72 hours cooling off period afterwards. Additionally the officer has 30 days to get an attorney before they can be questioned by superiors, An officer may not be investigated on a misconduct accusation unless it was made within 90 days of the incident.
- A complaint against a law enforcement officer that alleges brutality in the execution of the law enforcement officer's duties may not be investigated unless the complaint is sworn to, before an official authorized to administer oaths, by the aggrieved individual, a member of the aggrieved individual's immediate family. an individual with firsthand knowledge obtained because the individual was present at and observed the alleged incident or the parent or guardian of the minor child, if the alleged incident involves a minor child.
- Unless a complaint is filed within 90 days after the alleged brutality, an investigation that may lead to disciplinary action under this subtitle for brutality may not be initiated and an action may not be taken.
- Before an interrogation, the law enforcement officer under investigation shall be informed in writing of the nature of the investigation.
- The interrogation shall take place at the office of the command of the investigating officer or at the office of the local precinct or police unit in which the incident allegedly occurred, as designated by the investigating officer or at another reasonable and appropriate place. The interrogation shall be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably when the law enforcement officer is on duty and h) Conduct of interrogation.-
- All questions directed to the law enforcement officer under interrogation shall be asked by and through one interrogating officer during any one session of interrogation. (23) Each session of interrogation shall be for a reasonable period; and allow for personal necessities and rest periods as reasonably necessary. Threat of transfer, dismissal, or disciplinary action prohibited.- The law enforcement officer under interrogation may not be threatened with transfer, dismissal, or disciplinary action.
- A complete record shall be kept of the entire interrogation, including all recess periods, of the law enforcement officer. The record may be written, taped, or transcribed. On completion of the investigation, and on request of the law enforcement officer under investigation or the law enforcement officer's counsel or representative, a copy of the record of the interrogation shall be made available at least 10 days before a hearing.
- It is illegal to engage in Contempt of Cop behavior, taunting, provoking, disrespecting the law enforcement officer or questioning their knowledge of the Law.
- Amendment to the US Constitution that the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights. takes precedent over other "Civil Rights" in the Bill of Rights.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Illegal Double jeopardy against exonerated [Hero] Cop Sergeant Stephen Matakovich by the Pittsburgh District Attorney.
Cophaters rejoice at the witchhunt against exonerated [Hero] Cop Sergeant Stephen Matakovich who was proven innocent in a court of law.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Second City [Hero] Cop calls out media for anti-police propaganda
Biased media coverage these past few months.
- The MacDonald video - the move to "suppress" it until after an election - that choice wasn't made by anyone in the Department not wearing a gold star [The video still should not have been released because it biased the investigation and trial, inflames anti police sentiment jeopardizing Officer safely. violate the Officers’ privacy and renders police vulnerable to unfounded scrutiny]
- The lack of audio is a direct result of shitty equipment with zero maintenance performed by ill-equipped staff due to the city going with a low-bid. Not a single decision there was made by anyone in the Department below the rank of Deputy; [Do not believe the anti Police lies that 80 percent of Chicago PD dash-cam videos are missing audio due to ‘officer error’ or ‘intentional destruction]
- ...
- The decades worth of decisions to "settle at any cost" instead of fighting cases in court where evidence could be presented not only justifying, but clearing false accusations against officers wasn't made at the levels we work. J-Fled (of all people) proved you can put plaintiff attorneys in a financial bind by fighting the nonsense cases and putting scumbags on notice that the City will come after them for costs when they lose. Rahm wasted no time in returning to the days of "settle everything." Otherwise he wouldn't get all those political contributions spread throughout the Machine. [ As proven how much the city fought the nonsense political witchhunt of hero cop Anthony Abbate case where a biased Judge refuses to toss verdict that suggests Chicago police protected by 'code of silence' after the city "settled at any cost" or the Christina Eilman case]
- [SCHC forgot the Homan Square "Black Site" and the witchhunt of hero cop Dante Servin who was"charged with involuntary manslaughter, but was cleared of all charges on April 20, 2015, by Judge Dennis J. Porter in a rare directed verdict.Porter's reasoning was that since the shooting was intentional, Servin could not be charged with recklessness. "It is intentional and the crime, if any there be, is first-degree murder," said Porter in his ruling. Attorney Sam Adam, Jr., accused state prosecutor Anita Alvarez with deliberately undercharging Servin knowing that the charges would be dropped, in order to curry favor with the police department" as examples of the media smearing the Chicago Police Department]
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Hero Inkster officer speaks out against “one sided political story” and witchhunt of beating caught on video
Award-Winning Michigan Officer Robert Melendez Known as “Robocop” Receives 13-Month Sentence for Vicious Beating Caught on Camera
Sunday, January 31, 2016
More Hero Cops should sue first to prevent the "ghetto lottery" and put civilians in their place.
RIP Hero Cop Detective David E. Abbott Jr.
Hope your estate sues the department and the prosecutors for the witchhunt that cost him his life.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Cleveland police union president vows to get fired Hero officers' who followed the 1st Rule of Policing jobs back
10) Police officer should be exempt from all making false statements laws
14) “Brady cops” do not exist. Perjury in previous cases should not be a factor in judging a officer’s truthfulness and violates their privacy.
*My general rule of thumb is that officers who have shaved heads are dicks.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Respecting the 1st Rule of Policing. LAPD supports Hero Cops.
LAPD [Hero] officers Jess Faber, Marlon Franco, Sergio Gramajo, John Hart, Geoff Lear, Deshon Parker, Jonathan Roman, and Sgt. John Valdez were "afraid and incompetent".
Saturday, January 23, 2016
“Private citizens don’t get paid to use deadly force; law enforcement officers do.”
Free Hero Bloomfield police officers Orlando Trinidad and Sean Courter who were subject to Witchhunt for misremembering minor details of a arrest under oath. They were falsely convicted on the charges of "official misconduct, conspiracy to commit official misconduct, tampering with public records, falsifying public records and false swearing" that should be repealed and overturned as Unconstitutional as only police are subject to those laws.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
NYPD Police Union President: ‘Law Enforcement Nationwide Has Been Demoralized’
Ed Mullins, NYPD union boss, is the worst person in New York
Friday, January 8, 2016
The finest on the thin blue line between order and chaos.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
It does not matter how Police Captain Joe Gliniewicz died. He is still a Fallen Hero Cop.
"See a writer at a supposedly respected outlet whooping and hollering on the grave of a dead police officer, even one who had fallen from grace."CopHaters and Baiters schadenfreude
Illinois Cops Suspected Suicide Immediately After Gliniewicz Shooting Death but Launched False Ambush Narrative Anyway
Deception, Even In Death, of an Illinois Cop
Sunday, January 3, 2016
The Guardian needs to stop illegally tracking fatal police shootings.
The Guardian did something that embarrassed the FBI in 2015. It kept track of how many people were killed by police.
The FBI director, James Comey, said in October it was “embarrassing and ridiculous” that the government did not hold comprehensive statistics, and that it was “unacceptable” the Guardian and the Washington Post, which began publishing a database of fatal police shootings on 1 July, held better records.
And the Guardian needs to stop publishing false stories about Homan Square that are not credible and have been completely debunked.